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Not Worth a Photo

July 20, 2009

I can’t seem to find the camera.  No worries, though, the project I might have wanted to show you isn’t very photogenic right now.

I found a great little table at a garage sale Saturday.  I sanded and cleaned it that afternoon.  I gave it two coats of paint Sunday.  The final coat was on just as we were leaving for a fireworks show.  I was proud of getting to work on my project so quickly instead of letting it sit around as a s0meday-project.

While waiting for the fireworks, a downpour started.  Nearly an hour of sideways rain–and another hour after that of steady rain.  The outing wasn’t a disaster, we were near shelter and took the picnic indoors and chatted with other families.  Since we’d walked there, coming straight home wasn’t really an option.  At least, not without getting very soaked.  And besides, we were having fun, I’d forgotten the table.

But when we got home I remembered.  It’s not a lost cause–but it’s not in much better shape than it started at the beginning of the weekend.  The back board is completely warped and will need to be pried off and replaced with, I-don’t-know-what.  It’ll need another good cleaning, and probably another coat of paint.  Blah.

So, yeah, not so photo worthy at this point.  Sigh.

I could go work on that now.  Or I could go search for the camera.  Or I could stay here on the couch and pull out the Alan Dart gnome I started knitting this weekend.  That project is coming along much more photogenically.

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